Music / folk


Reviews (2)

For Folk's Sake

d. 17. Mar. 2010



Sarah Sharp

d. 17. Mar. 2010

"There was never any danger of the Moulettes turning out a dull album. Constellations is a punchy, bolshy creature, replete with a dense polyphony of sound and harmony. Building on the alt-folk experimentalism of 2012's The Bear's Revenge, this album dabbles with even zanier sounds, bringing an oriental edge to their rambunctious medley of strings, woodwind and whatever else comes to hand ... The Moulettes suffer from a surfeit of talent, if anything - but they need to be able to hone it so as to give each part the attention it deserves. That said, they are making some of the most interesting music on the circuit at the moment, and true innovation needs the space to be imperfect".


2014 June



Colin Irwin

2014 June

"It's easy to wilfully turn your nose up at bands tagged with wretched epithets like "alt folk", "indie folk", "prog folk" or "psych folk", but amid the dazzling confusion of styles blazing noisily from this charismatic catherine wheel of an album, there's a great band trying to get out ... [The guests] add a slightly surreal element to the proceedings, though you get the impression that lead singer, main songwriter and cellist Hannah Miller (who names Shostakovitch, Miles Davis, Pink Floyd, Björk, Skrillex and Pentangle as reference points) has a rampant musical imagnination that needs no help from anyone else to send it spinning off into the stratosphere. A bit of Sparks here, some Kate Bush there and plenty of mad instrumental notions in between, but they do have songs and occasionally it all tumbles joyously into place ... If nothing else it's great fun".