Music / rock

Corpse Flower

Reviews (3)


d. 28. Sep. 2019



Sven Lokjær

d. 28. Sep. 2019

"Desværre er snapsene for få, for små og med for store mellemrum. 'Corpse Flower' er i bedste fald en halvt hæderlig plade, men det er tydeligt, at det er lysten fremfor de gode ideer, der driver værket. For mange numre er enten anonyme eller virker ufærdige. Det er langt fra alt i Mike Pattons enorme diskografi, der har stor, længerevarende værdi. Og 'Corpse Flower' bliver heller ikke en af de plader".


d. 12. Sep. 2019



John Smith-Engelhardt

d. 12. Sep. 2019

"There really is no musician with as vast of a range of skills and styles as Mike Patton, and his latest collaborative album with French musician and composer Jean-Claude Vannier is a perfect example of how eclectic he is. The album dives into western-styled lounge music with a wide range of instruments and weirdness to keep listeners on their toes for each and every track".

The quietus

d. 12. Sep. 2019



Jeremy Allen

d. 12. Sep. 2019

"Not only that, but Corpse Flower is a production of some magnitude, featuring a band (under Patton's direction in L.A.) and an orchestra (directed by Vannier in Paris). It's a big, sonorous, unearthly offering, and it's difficult to imagine it being created separately by two men, with cut and paste and some incredibly deft stitching. How they've managed to bring this Frankenstein's monster together as a coherent work is testament to a modern friendship by two brilliant musicians using up-to-date technology which, in the case of Vannier, may have come as a surprise but really shouldn't. He's been working in the shadows for five decades making French pop music better, and the fact he's adaptable and au fait with computer software is more feasible than him not being (even if he's seen the best side of 70)".