Music / rock

Crossover Ministry

Reviews (3)


d. 31. Jan. 2017



Jedd Beaudoin

d. 31. Jan. 2017

"Iron Reagan authentically recaptures the rage and rapture of '80s crossover with a dose of humor and an energy that could light and power the world ... Subtlety and refinement have never been the point in this genre and Iron Reagan captures all the best parts (and then some) that crossover music has to offer".


d. 3. Mar. 2017



Jon Albjerg Ravnholt

d. 3. Mar. 2017

"Den klassiske crossover bliver dyrket så rent i Municipal Waste-sideprojektet, at man får lyst til at stjæle sin fars øl og hænge ud i skolegården sammen med vennerne igen ... Man bliver ikke klogere af det, man kommer heller ikke til at kunne huske særlig meget af det bagefter, men man får pulsen op i den halve time. Og det skulle være så sundt, uanset om man er teenager eller midaldrende".


d. 4. Feb. 2017



Zoe Camp

d. 4. Feb. 2017

"The third full-length from Richmond thrash metal crew Iron Reagan-featuring members of Municipal Waste, Darkest Hour, and Cannabis Corpse-is a compact vehicle for nihilistic escapism".