Music / electronica


Reviews (2)

The 405

d. 5. Oct. 2018



Francisco Gonçalves Silva

d. 5. Oct. 2018

"August deconstructed cinematographic soundscapes, mixing them with elements of contemporary electronic music while absorbing and immersing himself in Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio's finest work. Take each song as a chapter of a story as you walk through a hollow museum corridor. As D'ANGELO advances, the soothing, sometimes sombre, compositions become an essential piece to this story, soundtracking a visual stimulation perceived by August and giving you a feeling of narrative progression as you follow through".





"Den 28-årige musiker fra Hamborg har netop færdiggjort sin uddannelse som tonemester, og har tidligere kollaboreret med det anerkendte Berliner Philharmoniker. Derudover har han siden sin debut, "Times", fra 2013 udgivet et utal af remixes og EP'er. Den 20. november kan han igen opleves på dansk jord, når han gæster Pumpehuset".

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