Music / jazz

Dark nights

Reviews (4)

Gaffa [online]

d. 18. Jan. 2015



Ivan Rod

d. 18. Jan. 2015

"Hans nye album, Dark Nights, (det syvende som leder) følger på sæt og vis tendensen fra de tidligere, men det er også anderledes: på mange måder nedtonet og dog krævende, på mange måder mere jazzet. Trompeten er denne gang meget dominerende, mens trommerne, spillet af Nasheet Waits, og kontrabassen, spillet af Omer Avital, er henvist til roller som malere af stemningsskabende horisontbilleder bag Avishai Cohens brobyggeri".

All about jazz

d. 27. Aug. 2014



Franz A. Matzner

d. 27. Aug. 2014

"From the brooding opening title track to the closing Chet Baker homage, "I Fall in Love Too Easily," Dark Nights unapologetically embraces the heart of jazz (...) avoiding both navel-gazing insularity and crowd-pleasing revivalism. Instead, the album's ten tracks wander the shadowed corridors and oblique alleys of jazz's murkier contours. Its slower tempos are those of hot city nights spent in closed spaces, its architecture comprised of lonely moments, illicit encounters at hallucinatory cafés that time never knew, poetic reveries, and candid snapshots of submerged emotion. The gorgeously executed "I Fall in Love to Easily" acts like a coda, a sonic decoder elucidating the album's overall allegiance to [Chet] Baker's brand of painful tenderness, just as the opener's subtle use of electronic affects declares the subsequent music fully the product of modern sensibilities".


2014 December



John Corbett

2014 December

"This is a honey of a record. It's got everything you could want from a devastating young band: Complete command, interaction dynamics, a sense of play and adventure, and a wonderfully surprising track list".

Jazz special

Nr. 143 (2015)



Boris Rabinowitsch

Nr. 143 (2015)