Music / rock

Days go by

Reviews (2)

Gaffa [online]

d. 25. June 2012



Keld Rud

d. 25. June 2012

"Sammenlignet med den fremragende forgænger, Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace, er der løsnet mere op for løjerne, og attituden er mindre seriøs denne gang. Ikke desto mindre er bandets fornemme sangskrivningsevner intakte, hvad de indledende fem poppunkdrøn viser".

Consequence of sound

d. 28. June 2012



David Buchanan

d. 28. June 2012

"Getting old isn't so bad, fellows. It comes with wisdom and true life experience. That is, unless you're a washed-up punk rocker. Then, it comes with regrettable tattoos, some humorous tales of life on the road, and maybe a stab at a comeback album. Unfortunately for the Offspring, too many Days have gone by, and this record feels like too little, too late".