Music / rock

Dead Cross

Reviews (3)

Record collector

472 (2017 September)



Alun Hamnett

472 (2017 September)

"Dead Cross' comely disquiet is bathed in that inimitable Patton charisma, and his vocals add in so many diverse elements that Lombardo and co cannot have foreseen. In short, Patton makes it fun. Much like Slayer's Reign In Blood, the Dead Cross tornado completes its trail of destruction in just under 30 minutes, the only respite coming from a deliciously, er - vamped up cover of Bauhaus' Bela Lugosi's Dead. Feeling a little lethargic? Look no further. All your espressos have come at once".


d. 10. Aug. 2017



Spyros Stasis

d. 10. Aug. 2017

"While Dead Cross is a very enjoyable album, which retains a strong connection with the hardcore scene and thrash metal ethics, given the personnel involved in this work, someone might expect something more extravagant and out there. That does not take away any of the quality of this record, its inhumane aggression, and dark overtures, but what is certain is that these four guys have the capability to dig even deeper and uncovering all that there is to explore in their sound".

The guardian

d. 3. Aug. 2017



Gwilym Mumford

d. 3. Aug. 2017

"... a ferocious burst of inventive, hardcore punk that never stays still long enough to get predictable ... The result is an album that sounds as if it was a blast to make and one that's immensely enjoyable to listen to".