Music / rock

Defiance part 1

Reviews (3)





David Quantick


"Even the presence of a line-up of ridiculously famous star names, normally a bad sign (superstar contributors tend to act like a dead weight on albums, rather than a lift) doesn't detract from the sheer Ian Hunter-ness of Defiance. Celebrity pals including Ringo Starr, Todd Rundgren, Slash and the late Taylor Hawkins all lend their talents, but none of them overwhelm the songs or come anywhere near to standing in Hunter's light".

American songwriter




Hal Horowitz


"The performances smartly stick to rockers since the few ballads ("Guernica" and "No Hard Feelings"), while darkly tuneful, expose the limitations of Hunter's voice, now a shadow of his "All the Young Dudes" heyday. But give him credit for refusing to tweak it with electronic enhancers and writing some terrific tunes, which he attacks with more vigor than many a quarter of his age.".

Glide magazine

d. 20. Apr. 2023



Doug Collette

d. 20. Apr. 2023

"To be fair, it's difficult to create an atmosphere of intimacy when so many musicians aren't physically present but rather sending their recorded parts (...). Nevertheless, in one way or another across the ten tracks (on Sun Records, no less), Hunter lifts himself above the merely prosaic in the company of his (mostly) well-known guests. Consequently, the presence of the various contributors neither distracts nor detracts from Ian Hunter's own indomitable spirit".