Music / rock

Defying the metastasis

Reviews (2)


d. 16. Dec. 2016



Emil Hansen

d. 16. Dec. 2016

"Fra den dybeste undergrund kommer Chicago-bandet Polyptych med deres semitekniske, dissonante dødsblack og vælter én omkuld med en fortættet lyd, der kandiderer til at være intet mindre end årets bedste metalproduktion".

Angry metal guy

d. 19. Oct. 2016



Eldritch Elitist

d. 19. Oct. 2016

"Defying the Metastasis is not a perfect album, and I feel that Polyptych has a bit of tinkering to do in the variety department before they can compose their magnum opus. As I've now listened to both this and the band's last album extensively (yeah, they made me a fan), however, I can say with confidence that Polyptych is a supremely talented group that doesn't shy away from album to album experimentation and will continue to perfect their sound".

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