Music / opera

Der Freischütz

Reviews (27)

The guardian

d. 28. Apr. 2022



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 28. Apr. 2022

"The musical copying and pasting works well enough, and Jacobs' performance is never short on energy and atmosphere, with the period instruments of the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra, especially the natural horns, adding a nice edge of menace to the sound world ... Jacobs creates a very plausible piece of audio drama, though there's sometimes the feeling that the soloists have been chosen as much for their ability to deliver the speech as for their singing ... the musical performances ... do sometimes seem a little bland".

RBB Kultur

d. 28. May 2022



Matthias Käther

d. 28. May 2022

"Carl Maria von Weber und sein Librettist Friedrich Kind waren sich durchaus nicht einig über den Beginn der Oper - Weber hielt nichts von den ursprünglichen Eröffnungsszenen und vertonte sie nicht. René Jacobs rekonstruiert sie nun erstmals für die CD. Man mag über den Sinn streiten - interessant ist das schon. Allerdings nicht mehr als das. Und das gilt leider auch für den Rest der Oper. Insgesamt bietet Jacobs eine erschreckend postbarocke, anämische Sicht auf das Werk mit zu wenig Romantik, zu viel Geschwätz und dem schlechtesten Theaterdonner, der je auf CD gebannt wurde. Einziger Lichtblick: Die singenden Damen. Dafür lohnt sich's dann doch".

Presto classical

d. 29. Apr. 2022



Katherine Cooper

d. 29. Apr. 2022

"Recording of the week: Jacobs's new prologue combines dialogue, melodrama and music recycled from the Hermit's later appearance into a satisfying scene which not only makes the ending feel more organic but also lends a welcome symmetry to the piece as a whole and underlines the Christian element which is largely sidelined in the standard version. The use of period instruments provides further revelations, with rasping natural horns, fife-like flutes and judiciously wonky string-intonation all adding to the rough-and-ready rustic atmosphere".

The Classic Review

d. 13. May 2022



Azusa Ueno

d. 13. May 2022

"A prime difference between Jacobs' recording and the others ... is his use of period instruments, but this doesn't take away from the multidimensionality of orchestral sound we hear in places like the Overture ... Jacobs acknowledges some adjustments he's had to make to account for text which Weber originally did not set to music ... Throughout the entire opera, the orchestra plays an active role in not only supporting the singers but also bringing and maintaining a high level of energy over a more than 2-hour span. What really stood out was Jacobs' sensible pacing throughout, allowing the listener to savor each aria ... A top-notch performance from all, along with Jacobs' fine artistic perspective makes this a must-listen and an essential addition to any listener's shelf".

Presto classical

d. 31. Oct. 2019



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. Oct. 2019

"Editor's choices - October 2019: With plenty of bucolic bite, Janowski's orchestra conjures a real Brothers Grimm atmosphere in Weber's dark fairy-tale. The Wagnerian voices of the two leads are flatteringly recorded: Davidsen is a womanly, three-dimensional Agathe, her big dusky soprano still flexible enough to navigate the florid passages of her first aria, whilst the heroic writing for Max holds no terrors for Schager, a veteran Siegfried".


d. 14. Dec. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 14. Dec. 2006


d. 17. Dec. 2001


d. 17. Dec. 2001


d. 21. Sep. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 21. Sep. 2007

"En teknisk overraskende god live-optagelse fra Wiens Statsopera 1972 ... Karl Böhm dirigerer romantisk smukt Webers ”Jægerbruden”, og Gundula Janowitz som Agathe er intet mindre end vidunderlig, som hun former og klinger".


d. 25. Sep. 2000


d. 25. Sep. 2000

Operabladet Ascolta

(2006) 24. årgang nr. 5



Henrik Marcussen

(2006) 24. årgang nr. 5

Operabladet Ascolta

(2012) 30. årgang nr. 4



Henrik Marcussen

(2012) 30. årgang nr. 4

Fono Forum

2013 August



Gerhard Persché

2013 August

"Das LSO spielt mit warmem Ton ... Simon O'Neill gibt einen Max mit konzentriertem Strahl, während Christine Brewer als Agathe ddurch ihre Atemkontrolle bestich, wenngleich sie für diese Rolle doch etwas zu reif wirkt ... Es war die letzte Operneinspielung des kürzlich gestorbenen Dirigenten mit seinem LSO. In besondere Erinnerung wird man freilich eher andere seiner Aufnahmen behalten".

BBC music magazine

2013 August



Anna Picard

2013 August

"This was to be Sir Colin's last opera recording with the London Symphony Orchestra ... This is a sincere reading of the work, but sincerity should not be confused with a lack of sophistication. The orchestral textures are pristine, the tempos and colours bracing and plaintive ... Were this just Sir Colin and his orchestra, it would be a five-star recording. Sadly, the casting is uneven ... although the LSO's large amateur chorus sings with a bright, clear tone and tremendous enthusiasm".


2013 septembre



Gérard Condé

2013 septembre

Fono Forum

2022 September



Bernd Feuchtner

2022 September

"Was so hervortritt, ist das Singspiel. Kateryna Kaspers munteres Ännchen passt dazu sowieso, aber auch Polina Pastircsáks Agathe wirkt nicht vergrübelt, sondern natürlich ... Fürs Dämonische ist die Männerwelt zuständig: Maximilisan Schmitts angstgepeitschter Max und Dmitry Ivashchenkos opernhafter Kaspar ... Die Hauptrolle allerdings spielen die farbenreich und körperlich-sinnlich spielenden Freiburger und ihre glänzenden Solisten".

BBC music magazine

2022 June



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2022 June

"If it all convinces that's because Jacobs has an absolute instinct for Weber's score. The horns of the Freiburger Barockorchester are almost a character in their own ... near perfect. Not always so the singers ... But it's the Zurich Sing-Akademie who takes the laurels as boisterous huntsmen and gleeful villagers".

Fono Forum

2020 Februar



Gerhard Persché

2020 Februar

"Marek Janowski ... scheint sich nun altersweise etwas zurückzunehmen, malt gleichwohl mit dunkelkräftigen Farben, und das hr-Sinfonieorchester prunkt mit sattem Klang. Andreas Schager singt den Max mit metallischem Ton ... Lise Davidsen ... ist die weltweit grosse Erwartung für das weibliche Spintofach. Sängerisch verdient sie grosse Bewunderung, doch bleibt sie der Agathe irgendwie die Seele schuldig ... Magisch hingegen, wie es sich gehört, der MDR-Rundfunkchor aus Leipzig".

BBC music magazine

2020 February



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2020 February

"It is carefully done, and due attention is paid to Weber's inventive score, but the result is frankly pedestrian ... There's good singing here, led by Lise Davidsen's sweet-toned Agathe, who sings her aria 'Leise, Leise' as if she really means it. Sofia Fomina is a perkily happy Ännchen ... The Frankfurt Radio Symphony presumably give no more than their conductor Marek Janowski asked of them, but the chorus - the MDR Leipzig Radio Choir - who are such an essential part of this opera, give their all".

The gramophone

2013 August



Mike Ashman

2013 August

"If Davis's handling of the score lacks the dramatic punch of the Kleibers' readings, there are some fine things here - his phrasing of the score's many lyrical moments, the playing of the orchestra and the careful and exciting casting. Simon O'Neill is virtually perfect for Max, not too über-Heldentenor and not too light".

International record review

2013 July/August



Mark Pullinger

2013 July/August

"The playing of the London Symphony Orchestra is warm and utterly polished, but the reading fails to take off ... Casting in London is skewed towards Bayreuth with Simon O'Neill (Max) and Christine Brewer (Agathe) probably more comfortable as Tristan and Isolde, while Sally Matthews's big lyric soprano is far too heavy for Ännchen ... There is some lusty singing from the LSO Chorus".

The gramophone

1998 December



Alan Blyth

1998 December

"This noted 1973 set hasn’t worn that well. Kleiber draws superb playing from the Dresden orchestra and singing from the Leipzig Radio Chorus, but he is inclined to kill the score with kindness through exaggerated tempos and overemphasis on detail".

BBC music magazine

1999 January



Roderick Dunnett

1999 January

"For sheer thrills, no one has yet outshone Kleiber’s swashbuckling 1973 Der Freischütz ... The Staatskapelle is putty in his fingers. Janowitz’s melting Agathe, Schreier’s assertive Max, Mathis and Adam remain my dream cast".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2002) 20. årgang nr. 7


(2002) 20. årgang nr. 7

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 18. Mar. 2002


d. 18. Mar. 2002

The gramophone

2008 March



John Warrack

2008 March

"A veteran lavishes affection on a magical tale and his cast support him splendidly ... It is a most attractive performance".

The gramophone

2020 February



Mike Ashman

2020 February

"A large modern orchestra plays with all the colour and varying tonal weight of an informed period band ... The cast features the much-discussed new star Lise Davidsen as an Agathe of one's dreams - the voice sounding fuller and more secure at the bottom than on her debut recital album ... Andreas Schager is Max, her wavering fiancé-do-be, with just the right amount of Helden to lyric in the voice. Fomina is a spicy and unpredictably colourful Aennchen, Held a less black and weighty but characterfully rich villain Caspar. Smaller roles and chorus are all in good voice ... I'd put this new release right at the top of the pile - until we get a major period-instrument release".

Fono Forum

2015 September



Manuel Brug

2015 September

"Vor fünf Jahren erschien Webers 'Freischütz' in einer Filmversion von Jens Neubert in den Kinos. Nun ist der Soundtrack dazu auf CD herausgekommen - und überzeugt ganz ohne Bild ... Schön dass sie jetzt endlich auch als Akustikdokument verfügbar ist".

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