Music / folkemusik


Reviews (2)

Folk radio UK

d. 25. Nov. 2022



Dave McNally

d. 25. Nov. 2022

"Dialogues heralds the emergence into the limelight of a very talented musician. The variety of instruments and tunes/songs the duettists bring to the party make for a rich panoply of delights. That said, it is Su-a Lee's expressive, intuitive cello playing throughout that gives the album its deep sense of continuity. Her inventive approach in these multiple settings adds deeply contrasting, evocative layers to the soundscape. Whilst Dialogues locates the cello in a series of folk music contexts, Su-a Lee brings with her, unsurprisingly, a measure of classical sensibility, which undoubtedly adds to the richness of the final offering. You won't hear a more rewarding album in a long time".

At the barrier

d. 2. Jan. 2023



Seuras Og

d. 2. Jan. 2023

"Quite unlike anything I have heard this year, this masterful selection is quietly compelling, adding further momentum to the role of the cello. This is what she says about it, herself: "Playing solo is not really my thing. I am energised by working with other people." Lee has the classical training and the folk sensitivities to have notice taken of this statement and her work. More power to her bow".