Music / operafilm

Die Passagierin
The passenger

Reviews (4)

MusicWeb international

2022 August



Gregor Tassie

2022 August

"This is the second recording of this opera to appear on DVD/Blu-ray and will surely attract interest in this outstanding Soviet composer ... While the idiom is often harrowing, the humanity of Weinberg's music comes through powerfully. His score embraces neo-Romanticism with inflections from Polish, Russian and Jewish music, yet Weinberg imposes his own identity with his harmonic polytonality and freely expressive language ... The action switches between the cruise ship, and the Auschwitz concentration camp, with minimal interruption to scene changes ... Dshamilja Kaiser's Lisa is outstanding, providing a complete characterization of this tortured woman who cannot escape her past ... In all, the roles of the other prisoners and the cruise ship passengers are well performed by the Chor der Oper Graz and the orchestra is masterfully directed by Roland Kluttig. The video presentation is clear with well-directed closeups of the most important scenes".

MusicWeb international

2022 November



Roy Westbrook

2022 November

"Weinberg based his opera The Passenger on the novel of the same name by Polish author Zofia Posmysz, an Auschwitz survivor ... The casting has no weak link ... The singers provide devoted acting and singing. The male leads have smallish roles ... The choral part is original in its sometimes whispered contributions to the drama, often suggesting intimations, warnings, naggings of conscience. The Chorus of Oper Graz and the Graz Philharmonic sing and play as participants in the action, which they are, and Roland Kluttig's musical direction is very committed".

Fono Forum

2022 Oktober



Manuel Brug

2022 Oktober

"Der Komponist Mieczysław Weinberg hat 1968 die Auschwitz-Oper "Die Passagierin" geschrieben. Doch leider wurde der viel zu lange vergessen ... Am Pult führt Roland Kluttig solches differenziert vor. Als Nazisse Lisa windet sich Dshamilja Kaiser in widersprüchlichen Regungen und Gefühlen. Die einstige KZ-Gefangene Marta singt Nadja Stefanoff warm strömend und empfindsam".

The gramophone

2022 October



David Fanning

2022 October

"Half the action of 'The Passenger' takes place in the hell-on-earth of Auschwitz and the other half in the false paradise of an ocean-going liner 15 years later ... One of the main problems with staging Weinberg's opera is how to strike the balance between realism and stylisation ... Nadja Loschky's 2021 production in Graz came up with resourceful solutions, but ... too neat to convey the horror of Auschwitz yet too stark to suggest a luxury vessel ... Bouquets to sopranos Nadja Stefanoff and Tetiana Miyus, respectively. The Graz Philharmonic acquit themselves superbly under the baton of Roland Kluttig".