Music / operafilm

Die Walküre

Reviews (26)

MusicWeb international

2014 January



Paul Corfield Godfrey

2014 January

"Meier is a tower of strength and dramatic ability just as one would expect ... Stemme is properly fearless throughout as Brünnhilde ... She is quite simply the best Brünnhilde since Nilsson, albeit of a very different stamp ... Barenboim is a conductor at once powerful and sensitive".

Classical CD review

2011 March



Gavin Dixon

2011 March

"Conductor Christian Thielemann is a fascinating Wagnerian. He is an interventionist conductor who never lets the music just play itself; everything must be sculpted and shaped ... For the amount of Wagner out on DVD these days, it is reassuring that even at this level of technological detail, there is something about the Bayreuth Festival that will always make its productions distinctive".


d. 18. July 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 18. July 2006

"Valkyrierne flakser maskinelt med deres stive, metalfarvede plastikvinger og ditto kraniehjelme som futuristiske, bizarre dødsengle. Til gengæld er det særdeles småt med rekvisitter ... En skrabetminimalistisk- futuristisk sag, som vurderet ud fra denne Valkyrien ikke skal købes for sangstemmernes skyld ... Orkestret, derimod, er rigtig velspillende. Skarpt, knapt og klart i formuleringerne".


d. 24. May 2006



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 24. May 2006

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 10. Aug. 2005


d. 10. Aug. 2005

Berlingske tidende

d. 9. Aug. 2005


d. 9. Aug. 2005


d. 24. May 2006



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 24. May 2006


2014, nr. 32



Steen Chr. Steensen

2014, nr. 32

"Billede, teater og musik balancerer hinanden i denne udgave af Wagners Valkyrien ... Guy Cassiers har et godt greb om denne historie, hvor natur og civilisation, guder og mennesker, moral og utugt konfronteres ... Helt i særklasse er de erfarne sopraner Waltraud Meier og Nina Stemme ... New zealandske Simon O'Neill er kraftfuld, energisk ... Den fuldendte balance opstår, når Daniel Baranboim dirigerer ... Gesamtkunst på et højt plan".


2018, nr. 49



Henrik Engelbrecht

2018, nr. 49

"Påskefestspillene i Salzburg kunne fejre 50-års-jubilæum sidste år. Det blev markeret med et projekt, som var opreklameret til at være en rekonstruktion af Herbert von Karajans iscenesættelse af Valkyrien fra åbningssæsonen 1967. Allerede på papiret er det et dødfødt projekt ... Den musikalske side er til gengæld det hele værd. Staatskapelle Dresden og deres chefdirigent (og Karajan-elev) Christian Thielemann skaber magi i orkestergraven, og solistholdet er svært at slå i dag ... Anja Harteros må være den optimale Sieglinde anno 2017 med sit helt eminente vokale overskud, og både Georg Zeppenfeld som Hunding og Vitalij Kowaljow som Wotan er casting i verdensklasse ... Fire stjerner ... De ret hjælpeløse sceniske løsninger trækker fra".


2020 novembre



Emmanuel Dupuy

2020 novembre


2020, nr. 58



Steen Chr. Steensen

2020, nr. 58

"Det er en yderst intens opsætning. Musikalsk og scenisk. Et intenst møde mellem Siegmund og Sieglinde. Stuart Skeltong synger Siegmund med en rigtig heltetenor ... mens Emily Magee som Sieglinde er ekspressiv til det yderste ... Hunding synges flot af Ain Anger ... John Lundgren er en plaget Wotan. Hvad han sine steder mangler i stemmens gennemslagskraft, kommer tifold igen i det væld af nuancer, der ligger i et eminent skuespil ... Brünnhilde er den stærke urkvinde, forreven efter kamp, vildt hår, vilde øjne, vildt sunget og spillet af Nina Stemme ... En forbilledlig, moderne opsætning med den bonus, at instruktionen af sangerne skaber nærvær og intensitet af tredje grad ... Det er en 'Valkyrien', som vil ud til publikum".

BBC music magazine

2020 June



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2020 June

"Opera choice: Pappano has always had a special relationship with the Ring's second part ... and the Royal Opera House Orchestra rewards him with some of its most sumptuous playing. The cast in this 2018 staging would have been the envy of every world class opera company ... But it's Nina Stemme, as it should be, who defines this production. Generously voiced, she is essentially a lyric Brünnhilde, most moving when she tells Sieglinde that she is bearing Siegmund's son and there's that swell of symphonic sympathy in the pit".

BBC music magazine

2014 February



Michael Scott Rohan

2014 February

"Superb playing he draws from La Scala's band, with a rich, rounded sound to match the theatre's fabled acoustic. The cast, though, is less rounded ... Producer Guy Cassiers relies too heavily og effects and projections".

Vurdering (performance): 4/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 5/5.

International record review

2014 April



Robert Levine (musikanmelder)

2014 April

"This is a very well-sung and well-led Walküre that somehow does not manage to win many friends. The confused and unfocused direction, the sets that elicit little except a sporadic admiring glance ... takes this out of the running for top prize".

The gramophone

2018 January



Mike Ashmann

2018 January

"A for effort for the production team - but the real interest of this release is musical. Thielemann's fourth recording of this opera assembles his strongest cast yet ... Harteros is a clearly projected, emotional Sieglinde ... Kampe, as always, is bright, forward, intelligent and the centre of attention on stage ... The sound of Thielemann's orchestra, darker-sounding than usual from more Western-based orchestras ... is one of the pleasures of the set ... For that and the cast this set is valuable".


2020, nr. 57


2020, nr. 57

"Da Covent Garden genopførte hele Warners "Ring"-opsætning for tredje gang i 2018 ... [var det] med en bedre rollebesætning, en strammere dramaturgi og en mere moden Wagnerianer i chefdirigent Antonio Pappano ... Alene rollebesætningen, med en kraftig skandinavisk repræsentation, får ens mundvand til at trække til: Stuart Skelton (Siegmund), Nina Stemme (Brünnhilde), John Lundgren (Wotan), Sarah Connolly (Fricka) og Lise Davidsen (Ortlinde) m.fl.. Alle partier er vigtige i 'Ringens' mest skræmmende og kærlighedsdrevne del [Valkyrien], som også er den dramatisk mest tilfredsstillende i Warners cyklus".

The gramophone

2020 June



Mike Ashman

2020 June

"There is some terrific singing along the way: Stemme's strength of emotion and pinpoint negotiation of vocal intervals, Skelton's clarity and an increasingly heroic sound, Magee's sheer focus tapping the same level as her Strauss Kaiserin ... Pappano delivers a further degree of the Rudolf Kempe-like lyricism - nothing overstated but no lack of power or motion where needed - that he found from this cycle's first Rheingold onwards ... The filming is above all a triumph of fidelity to the show in front of the cameras ... Very warmly recommended".


2020, nr. 96



Carl-Henric Malmgren

2020, nr. 96

"På dvd:n från Covent Garden möter vi ett dunkelt scenrum ... Den sparsmakade uppsättningen bjuder på en stjärnspäckad rollista ned till minsta valkyria. John Lundgrens isblå öga fokuserar på oss när Wotan intensivt öppnar akt två. Nina Stemme sjunger upp sig längs vägen och i sista akten är hon magnifik ... Musikaliskt lockar Antonio Pappano fram en fyllig klang. Och det sjungs genomgående magnifikt av hela ensemblen ... Den mogna klangen hos samtliga sångare är en lyx i en operavärld som alltmer värdesätter ungdom och säljande utseende framför konstnärlig fulländning".

International record review

2011 April



Robert Levine (musikanmelder)

2011 April

"The staging throughout is uneventful, with the occasional nice touch ... Conductor Christian Thielemann and the Bayreuth Orchestra create a ravishing wall of sound ... Perhaps audio-only might be worth it for Thielemann's and the orchestra's contributions, but I can't imagine watching this again".

BBC music magazine

2008 December



Michael Scott Rohan

2008 December

"Rattle's conducting, though, is easy enough to enjoy - fluent, often sweeping - and, of course beautifully played by the Berliners ... Easier on eye and ear than more grimly Germanic efforts such as Barenboim's, and might interest a newcomer more".

Vurdering (performance): 4/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 5/5.

The gramophone

2009 January



Mike Ashman

2009 January

"It's clear from the start that Stéphane Braunschweig's ultra-minimalist staging will be one of slow discoveries ... The whole event feels like a beautifully prepared concert onto which dramatic concerns have scarcely begun to impinge, admirable in its musical representation of Wagner's score but rarely compelling or ecxiting as opera".

The gramophone

2006 October



Mike Ashman

2006 October

"There may be reservations about Haenchen's straight, low-profile interpretation og the music ... or the harshness of Eiko Ishioka's far from conventianla beautiful theatrical cosumes ... but there can surely be few about the freshness of Audi's theatrical thinkins, and his reinvention og "deconstructionist" effects ... Altmeyer goes from strength to strength".

BBC music magazine

2011 March



Michael Scott Rohan

2011 March

"With enough warmth and grandeur to hold our attention. And it's all beautifully recorded on DVD ... It's the finest Ring on video so far".

Vurdering (performance): 5/5.

Vurdering (picture & sounds): 5/5.

The gramophone

2010 April



Arnold Whittall

2010 April

"The Valencia Ring features strong leads but questinable acrobatics ... The youthful Orquestra de la Communitat Valenciana obediently and expertly delivers the plushy textures and stagery rhetoric Mehta requires".


d. 17. Jan. 2003


d. 17. Jan. 2003