Music / rock

Digging deep - subterranea

Reviews (3)

American songwriter

d. 29. Sep. 2020



Hal Horowitz

d. 29. Sep. 2020

"While Digging Deep may not be the Robert Plant anthology we needed, it's a representative overview of a restless, wildly creative, bravely eclectic artist. One who has always pushed boundaries, seldom taken commercial prospects into consideration and is likely to continue down that path for as long as he can keep those distinctive pipes in fighting shape".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Plant talks about Led Zeppelin tunes on Digging Deep, but Subterranea pointedly concentrates on his solo career. It's a compilation that strives to make overarching connections, so it doesn't proceed in a chronological order, nor does it have all of his hits ... Maybe it doesn't deliver the hits the way most compilations do, but it certainly captures the musical wanderlust that defines Plant's career".


d. 2. Oct. 2020



Hugh Fielder

d. 2. Oct. 2020

"Digging Deep: Subterranea is a journey through Robert Plant's solo recordings, from Pictures at Eleven in onwards ... Completists will need this collection for the three unreleased tracks, including a duet with Patty Griffin (who is obviously not a celebrity) and maybe the rare Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down (from the Boss soundtrack album)".