Music / jazz

Don't you feel my leg : the naughty bawdy blues of Blue Lu Barker

Reviews (2)

Blues blast magazine

d. 20. Oct. 2018



Mark Thompson

d. 20. Oct. 2018

"Muldaur's voice is deeper than Blue Lou Barker's, with a richer tone that is an ideal fit for these twelve songs. She shares an intrinsic understanding of the music with the band members, so that their collective efforts revive these classics in all of their bawdy glory while adding exciting musical statements firmly rooted in the traditions. You can count on playing this one more than a few times -".

Living blues

2018 October



Robert H. Cataliotti

2018 October

"Muldaur reassembled a rocking band for the recording sessions in New Orleans, and they epitomize the way musicians in that city can create a sound that is simultaneously part jazz, part blues and part R&B. The rhythm section [...] lay down a spirited underpinning for the familiar, smoky burr of Muldaur's voice ... Back in 1973, Muldaur found the perfect balance between an alluring sensuality and playful humor on Blue Lu's number, and that is certainly the case once again on these 12 selections. The lyrics may be naughty and bawdy, but they're never nasty or offensive because Muldaur knows how to deliver them with a wry cleverness. The program is captivating from start to finish".