Music / rock

Door to doom

Reviews (3)

Sonic Perspectives

d. 6. Mar. 2019



Jonathan Smith

d. 6. Mar. 2019

"Any stalwart fan of Candlemass will find every bit of what originally drew him or her to the band over the course of their time expanding a formula that reaches back to the earliest days of metal's longstanding history, whereas any newcomer will be greeted by something that isn't a throwback to a time they don't remember, but something real and current to complement the far more varied musical world to which they have been raised. The final chapter of the morbid tale that is epic doom metal has yet to be written, and God willing, it will hopefully not be the last one in this sorcerer's mighty anthology".

Angry metal guy

d. 21. Feb. 2019



Steel Druhm

d. 21. Feb. 2019

"Sad to say, The Door to Doom is a rather workmanlike doom album. It doesn't put Candlemass back on the map in a forceful way nor show them capable of recreating the power and glory of their skull salad days. Had this been released by some young unknown act, I would write it off as talented Candlemass worship lacking in song writing chops. I can't do that here obviously, but the essential point remains. There's nothing here that qualifies as top-tier fodder for the genre or the band, and I wouldn't pick this over any of the older Candlemass platters".


d. 24. Feb. 2019



Jacobh Hansen

d. 24. Feb. 2019

"'The Door to Doom' er i det store og hele en lidt middelmådig comeback-plade. Numrene holder sig inden for en overskuelig sanglængde, og vokalen er bedre, end man kunne have frygtet for en sanger, der ikke har sunget i over 30 år. Problemet er bare, at halvdelen af skæringerne er glemt, lige så snart de er overstået, og som helhed gør pladen ikke noget overvældende for at overbevise os om, at denne nye gamle inkarnation af Candlemass skal kunne tilføje noget væsentligt nyt til sangskatten".