Music / folk

Earth bow

Reviews (2)


d. 29. Apr. 2021



John Dale

d. 29. Apr. 2021

"[Sarah Louise] first broke cover last decade with a string of lovely, singular guitar solo albums. Louise also recorded two gorgeous LPs of beautiful folk-drone constructs with Black Twig Pickers member Sally Anne Morgan as House & Land. Significant changes came with Louise's own 2019 record Nighttime Birds And Morning Stars, though, where she turned a radical corner, her guitar interfacing with electronics in feverishly creative ways ... Earth Bow continues those experiments, though now they feel (...) more like part of the fundamental bedrock of Louise's compositions. There's something natural, fungal almost, about the way the electronics spill and expand across the 10 songs of Earth Bow; it's no surprise to discover that she has lived in rural Appalachia for a decade, and has a strong, intuitive relationship with the natural world ... There's a continual sense of wonder throughout the album, of unexpected developments, and yet what's most impressive is the way everything here - and it's a busy album in some respects, genre-defiant in its openness - sits together so well. Everything flows".

Folk radio UK

d. 30. Apr. 2021



Glenn Kimpton

d. 30. Apr. 2021

"Earth Bow follows on from Nighttime Birds and parts of last year's Earth and its Contents by crafting its sounds using electronically manipulated instruments and synthesisers, this time utilising a Roland SP-404SX sampler to create a multi-layered collage of sound foraged and created. Different to Nighttime Birds in particular however is the scope of Earth Bow; whereas the former was a focused and honed album, sleek and minimalist, Earth Bow eschews restraint and fully illustrates Sarah Louise's statement as a musician preferring to 'embrace the interconnections of many' scenes, rather than existing in just one ... Although the sound throughout is diverse, immersive and sometimes intense and powerful, what shines through is Sarah's unshakable belief in and love for our planet, which is the lifeblood of all of her music".

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