Music / rock

Earth to Dora

Reviews (4)


d. 29. Oct. 2020



Mark Beaumont

d. 29. Oct. 2020

"Cautious optimism and a bruised sense of romance ... Mark 'E' Everett's 13th album under his melancholic indie moniker is a life-worn collection that charts the rise and fall of a relationship, exuding fragile hope".

Gaffa [online]

d. 30. Oct. 2020



Simon Heggum

d. 30. Oct. 2020

"Eels' 13. album i rækken en kærlig genkomst, for E har smidt de sidste års bluesede gammelmandshymner til siden og skriver for første gang i lang tid popsange, som ville gøre selv den vredeste trold glad i låget ... Uden at være et sent mesterværk eller nå de tidligere plader til sokkeholderne er dette trettende album alligevel en smuk og fin lille melodisk perle, midt i et 2020 bestående af pandemier, terror, utilnærmelig vold og alvor".





Mark Deming


"Earth to Dora is the work of a man who is living in the real world and feels OK about it, clearly not delighted about everything but open to the possibilities of love, happiness, and good music. For the Eels, those are not emotions to dismiss offhand. In an era of malaise, Eels are contrary enough to take a shot at feeling good, and Earth to Dora is well-written and imaginatively produced pop for grown-ups ...".

Record collector

507 (2020 December)



Mischa Pearlman

507 (2020 December)

"Album of the month" - "Luckily unlucky 13th album from a man called E and his alt.rock misfits".

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