Music / rock


Reviews (3)

Gaffa [online]

d. 23. Sep. 2022



Kristian Bach-Petersen

d. 23. Sep. 2022

"Albummet indeholder blot ni numre, men til gengæld strækker otte af disse sig over mere end fem minutters spillelængde, og ret atypisk føles det ikke som unødvendigt langtrukkent. Numrene foldes flot ud og har alle en interessant opbygning og udvikling ... Editors blev tidligt i deres karriere tilskrevet genren 'Dark Disco'. Den lyd har de ramt virkelig godt på EBM. Ikke specielt originalt, men usædvanligt godt".





Matt Collar


"An acronym for "Editors Blanck Mass," EBM should appeal to both longtime fans of the group's epic post-punk sound and anyone who perked up with the robust electronic dynamism that marked 'Blanck Mass Sessions'. Without losing any of their distinctive, cinematically austere style, Editors have embraced a clubby, dare you say, fun exuberance. These are tsunami-level productions marked by shimmering waves of synthy distortion, doomy bass grooves, and as always, singer Tom Smith's Teutonic baritone croon".


2022 October



James McNair (musikanmelder)

2022 October

"'EBM' sees a one-time indie-guitar act achieve full metamorphosis. Now channelling Nitzer Ebb, Rammstein and Front 242 influences on lengthy, dramatic songs, Editors have hatched a perturbed and maximalist affair whose thundering algorithms target the darkest, least inhibited corners of the dancefloor. The catalyst, they say, was new member Benjamin Power, aka Blanck Mass, whose beefy electro-industrial/techno beds sparked the writing of Tom Smith's vocal melodies and further embroidery from the rest of the band. It's an approach that reaps dividends on "Heart Attack", wherein Smith's baritone has a Bowie-esque grandeur, and on dystopian banger "Strawberry Lemonade", which references our "broken nation"".