Music / rock

El Dorado

Reviews (3)


d. 29. Jan. 2020



Brandon Choghri

d. 29. Jan. 2020

"Despite the glaring transition on El Dorado, there's no identity crisis to be found - King is just as commanding as a crooner as he is with his guitar wailing through a cranked-up amplifier. It's unclear where King will go next, or how much of Auerbach's influence directed the sound of El Dorado, but King certainly has the versatility to make any shift worth listening to".


d. 13. Jan. 2020



Steve Horowitz

d. 13. Jan. 2020

"Listeners in search of guitar gold would find this more on King's records with his band than on his solo effort El Dorado. Besides, this album takes its name from the Cadillac automobile of that name rather than the legendary city of myth. There is a sense of motion to the record as a whole, which would make it a good driving companion. King may be looking in the rear-view mirror as he motorizes, but this record reveals the young man is moving forward in new ways".

American songwriter

d. 17. Jan. 2020



Hal Horowitz

d. 17. Jan. 2020

"'El Dorado' is an inspiring and impressive work displaying another side of King's talents, albeit one that he has shown glimpses of in the past. It's certainly his most expressive and arguably finest recorded moment".