
Electric castle live and other tales

Reviews (2)


d. 29. Mar. 2020



Henrik Kjellerup Bro

d. 29. Mar. 2020

"'Electric Castle Live and Other Tales' er ikke et ringe album. Men det beviser endnu en gang, hvor svært det er et opføre et konceptalbum live. Der er intet album, hvor alle sange er lige gode, og der vil altid være sange, som ikke er lige velegnede til en liveopførelse. Derfor bliver 'Electric Castle Live and Other Tales' også et alt for langt album, hvor lytteren undervejs mister opmærksomheden. Men ingen tvivl om, at det sikkert har været rigtigt at være publikum til koncerterne. Men livealbummet kan nok desværre kun have interesse for dem, der allerede er dedikerede fans af Ayreon".

Metal injection

d. 10. Apr. 2020



Jordan Blum

d. 10. Apr. 2020

"Electric Castle Live and Other Tales is as essential and remarkable as its predecessors. After all, Into the Electric Castle is undoubtedly one of the best Ayreon albums in every way (music, songwriting, vocals, story, etc.), and every ounce of that magic is maintained here. Plus, the visuals are ceaselessly captivating, the direction and editing is faultless (using many dynamic shots to make you feel like you're there), and the extra material offers literally hours of additional tunes and invaluable insights. As a whole, then, it further cements Lucassen as truly unrivaled, inimitable, and utterly brilliant virtuoso while also setting a new standard for progressive metal concert films in general".