Music / rock

Electric ladyland

Reviews (13)

Rolling stone

d. 13. Nov. 2018



Kory Grow

d. 13. Nov. 2018

"A new, 50th anniversary box set brilliantly explores Hendrix's headspace leading up to the record's release with private demos, a jaw-dropping live performance by the Experience at the Hollywood Bowl, a documentary about the LP and a 5.1 surround sound mix of the record, which is also remastered in its original form, by engineer Eddie Kramer. With the way it tries to cover everything, the collection is nearly as ambitious as Hendrix was when he made it (though that would be impossible). The original album still sparkles, thanks to the remastering job, and the documentary is insightful (most of it came out previously as an episode of Classic Albums). But it's the non-album material that makes the box set definitive".

American songwriter

d. 9. Nov. 2018



Hal Horowitz

d. 9. Nov. 2018

"Anyone even slightly interested in Jimi Hendrix surely already owns a copy, so record company suits had to figure a way to sell it again as Electric Ladyland celebrates its 50th anniversary. To that end we get a three CD/one Blu-ray issue that aims to be the last word on this iconic album. Perhaps not surprisingly, it's a mixed bag, but one with plenty of reasons for the dedicated who have already purchased this music (i.e., everyone), to part with another $45".





Cub Koda


"What Hendrix sonically achieved on this record expanded the concept of what could be gotten out of a modern recording studio in much the same manner as Phil Spector had done a decade before with his Wall of Sound. As an album this influential (and as far as influencing a generation of players and beyond, this was his ultimate statement for many), the highlights speak for themselves".


d. 4. Jan. 2019



Kim Skotte

d. 4. Jan. 2019

"'Electric Ladyland' bliver med god grund hyldet som Hendrix' pionerværk efter 50 år. Nu genudgives det i en boks med ekstramateriale af blandet beskaffenhed ... 'Electric Ladyland' indkapsler den tidlige backingmusikers stadig mere eksperimenterende tilgang. Det lå i en luft tyk af stoffer, at musikken skulle bevidsthedsudvides ... En udforskning af den elektriske guitar som psykedelisk bevidsthedstilstand, men også en strømførende gendigtning af bluesmusikkens rødder på en frembrydende rockmusiks vilkår ... Det er et interessant at prøve at forestille sig, hvordan Jimi Hendrix ville have udviklet sig, hvis han havde fået lov at leve længere".


d. 4. Jan. 2019



Kim Skotte

d. 4. Jan. 2019

"'Electric Ladyland' bliver med god grund hyldet som Hendrix' pionerværk efter 50 år. Nu genudgives det i en boks med ekstramateriale af blandet beskaffenhed ... 'Electric Ladyland' indkapsler den tidlige backingmusikers stadig mere eksperimenterende tilgang. Det lå i en luft tyk af stoffer, at musikken skulle bevidsthedsudvides ... En udforskning af den elektriske guitar som psykedelisk bevidsthedstilstand, men også en strømførende gendigtning af bluesmusikkens rødder på en frembrydende rockmusiks vilkår ... Det er et interessant at prøve at forestille sig, hvordan Jimi Hendrix ville have udviklet sig, hvis han havde fået lov at leve længere".


1993 december


1993 december

Melody maker

d. 8. July 1989


d. 8. July 1989


1990 juli


1990 juli

Melody maker

d. 6. Nov. 1993


d. 6. Nov. 1993

Zoo magazine

(1997) 9


(1997) 9

Jazz special

(1997) 34


(1997) 34


1997 juni


1997 juni


1997 august


1997 august