Music / hip hop

Elephants on acid

Reviews (2)

The 405

d. 11. Oct. 2018



Conner Morris

d. 11. Oct. 2018

"Cypress Hill finally go fully psychedelic on the ambitious Elephants on AcidThere is a fantastic set of songs awaiting murkily on Elephants on Acid, and for Cypress Hill's intended audience here - the true fans - it's sure to be a joy unearthing them".

The observer

d. 30. Sep. 2018



Kitty Empire

d. 30. Sep. 2018

"After a 14-year hiatus, during which B-Real and Sen Dog did without DJ Muggs, this seminal stoner hip-hop trio are reunited and reinvigorated - or as reinvigorated as a ninth paean to mind-altering substances might permit. As befits an album designed to thrill the brain's cannabinoid receptors, rather than lay it low with Xanax as per much contemporary hip-hop, producer Muggs pulls every disorienting trick out of the carpetbag: sitars, sub bass, trumpeting pachyderms and dubby contributions by psych outrider Gonjasufi".