Music / rock

England is a garden

Reviews (3)





Tim Sendra


"It's their most cohesive and powerful record yet, full of songs that have a hearty punch to go along with their typically sharp hooks. Alternating between tracks that have a driving, T. Rex-ian beat and rollicking mid-tempo groovers, the record is a blast of joyous rock & roll from start to finish".

The observer

d. 8. Mar. 2020



Damien Morris

d. 8. Mar. 2020

"It's never as transcendent as 1997's When I Was Born For The 7th Time, but when Tjinder exhorts "amplifier to the echo chamber ... mixer to the microphone" on St Marie Under Canon it doesn't sound like a tired old rocker glumly gazing round the studio for ideas, it sounds like liberation, celebration".

Record collector

503 (2020 March)



Mike Goldsmith

503 (2020 March)

"England Is A Garden is simply too good to ignore, but the truth is, some of that coverage will inevitably come from the seemingly insatiable need for indie nostalgia.That would be to underappreciate a band who should be canonised for their near-30-year love affair with the indie disco dancefloor. Don't let the US have all the fun for the second time".