Music / rock

Entering heaven alive

Reviews (10)





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Entering Heaven Alive feels of a piece with White's previous work, yet the ideas are synthesized and executed in fresh, inventive ways, suggesting that the ungainly Boarding House Reach was indeed a transitionary album to allow him to do music that's as relaxed and vibrant as this".


d. 22. July 2022



Thomas Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 22. July 2022

"What has made the release of these twin records so satisfying, though, is his ability to cater for all, but on his own terms. This is a creative period, one suspects, that both fans and White alike will look back on as one of his most complete and satisfying yet".


d. 26. July 2022



Andy Cush

d. 26. July 2022

"The follow-up to this year's wild Fear of the Dawn is a stripped-down songwriter record, but often the songs don't resonate as deeply as the sounds".

Gaffa [online]

d. 1. Aug. 2022



Andreas Trella

d. 1. Aug. 2022

"en (...) passioneret byge af dybt tilfredsstillende numre ... Men denne gang i en meget blødere pakke (...) Entering Heaven Alive [er] (...) en plade, der frem for alt fremhæver Whites fortællende lyrik og følelse for et roligere men stadig dynamisk instrumentering ... Entering Heaven Alive [er] (...) et håndgribeligt manifest for en smuk, skrøbelig og behagelig sårbarhed ... Noget, der bunder i en nøgen åbenhed, der giver disse spirende historier en utrolig stærk og håndgribelig autenticitet".


d. 28. July 2022



Kjartan F. Stolberg

d. 28. July 2022

"Jack Whites 'Entering Heaven Alive' er ikke nær så eklektisk som sine forgængere, men det betyder ikke, at White fornægter sin legesyge. Tværtimod er der spøjse idéer til højre og venstre, og der er virkelig gjort noget for, at lydbillederne oser af liv. Den rustikke indpakning er bare noget mere spiselig end før ... Hvis du ikke har det store kendskab til Jack White, men bare har lyst til at høre nogle velklingende, relativt blide rocksange, er 'Entering Heaven Alive' et rigtig godt sted at lære ham at kende".

Gaffa [online]

d. 1. Aug. 2022



Andreas Trella

d. 1. Aug. 2022

"En (...) passioneret byge af dybt tilfredsstillende numre ... Men denne gang i en meget blødere pakke ... Entering Heaven Alive [er] (...) et håndgribeligt manifest for en smuk, skrøbelig og behagelig sårbarhed ... Noget, der bunder i en nøgen åbenhed, der giver disse spirende historier en utrolig stærk og håndgribelig autenticitet".


d. 28. July 2022



Kjartan F. Stolberg

d. 28. July 2022

"Jack Whites 'Entering Heaven Alive' er ikke nær så eklektisk som sine forgængere, men det betyder ikke, at White fornægter sin legesyge. Tværtimod er der spøjse idéer til højre og venstre, og der er virkelig gjort noget for, at lydbillederne oser af liv. Den rustikke indpakning er bare noget mere spiselig end før ... Hvis du ikke har det store kendskab til Jack White, men bare har lyst til at høre nogle velklingende, relativt blide rocksange, er 'Entering Heaven Alive' et rigtig godt sted at lære ham at kende".


d. 22. July 2022



Thomas Smith (musikanmelder)

d. 22. July 2022

"What has made the release of these twin records so satisfying, though, is his ability to cater for all, but on his own terms. This is a creative period, one suspects, that both fans and White alike will look back on as one of his most complete and satisfying yet".


d. 26. July 2022



Andy Cush

d. 26. July 2022

"The follow-up to this year's wild Fear of the Dawn is a stripped-down songwriter record, but often the songs don't resonate as deeply as the sounds".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Entering Heaven Alive feels of a piece with White's previous work, yet the ideas are synthesized and executed in fresh, inventive ways, suggesting that the ungainly Boarding House Reach was indeed a transitionary album to allow him to do music that's as relaxed and vibrant as this".