Music / rock

EP's 1988-1991

Reviews (2)


d. 11. May 2012



Mark Richardson

d. 11. May 2012

"Glider was rounded out by the instrumental title track, which serves as a showcase for how Shields was using phase shifts and disorienting rhythm tricks to create an underlying sense of unease mixed with awe. It sounds slightly "wrong" but also gorgeous, and like little else that had come before. MBV's following EP, Tremolo, upped the ante further. It stands as the true companion to Loveless. Opening with the staggering "To Here Knows When", it takes the woozy disorientation of "Glider" and mixes it with a vocal from Butcher that is impossibly ethereal".


d. 5. May 2012



Ralf Christensen

d. 5. May 2012

"EP's 1988-1991, rummer deres fire Creation-EP'er fra storhedstiden samt syv uudgivne eller sjældne numre. I sig selv substantiel, fordi de første 17 numre på de to cd'er smukt tegner bandets udvikling - fra deres mere garagede støjangreb i begyndelsen til deres vilde vortex af studiemagi".