Music / rock

Face stabber

Reviews (2)





Tim Sendra


"Any band looking to play psychedelic music should look to this album (and Smote Reverser) to fully understand the possibilities that exist within (and far outside of) the style, and just how far a band with limitless imagination can go if they don't settle for clichés and easy answers, and push hard to make something unique and beautiful like the Oh Sees do here (and almost always)".

The 405

d. 15. Aug. 2019



Ed Cunningham

d. 15. Aug. 2019

"It's a huge record, swinging from Oh Sees' usual well-oiled garage-psych and numbing krautrock to Space Age electronica and Zappa-esque solo noodling, often within a single song. Yet, as much as the brutal scale of Face Stabber makes it appear to be one of Oh Sees' most enticing (and thus potentially rewarding) projects, its scale feels blinkered and stuck within certain boundaries of ambition".