Music / rock

Far West

Reviews (2)


d. 6. June 2013



Sam Shepherd

d. 6. June 2013

"This time around, MMB seem to be in thrall to the history of paganism and shamanic rites. That The Wicker Man has been noted as an influence is not altogether surprising, and there is a distinct pastoral flavour mixed in with notions of elemental ritual throughout the album; MMB do like their rituals, after all. So the hypnotic drum patterns of Arche make perfect sense. Combined with shimmering guitar parts, a shrieking horn that could well be a snake charmer's pungi, and a keyboard part beamed in from 1970s sci-fi, it's a confusing, disorienting melting pot of themes and geographic references, not all of it of this Earth".

Gaffa [online]

d. 27. June 2013



Espen Strunk

d. 27. June 2013

"Både krautrock og obskur britisk folk er blandt referencerne her, men dybest set minder Far West ikke om noget, denne anmelder har lagt øre til før. Elektronisk genereret støj blander sig med akustiske guitarer og vanskeligt decifrérbare, messende vokaler i et sælsomt sonisk univers, idet lytteren tages med på en musikalsk rejse af de mere usædvanlige".