Music / rock

Fatal mistakes

Reviews (3)

The telegraph

d. 27. May 2021



Neil McCormick

d. 27. May 2021

"The Scottish band's first album in 18 years is a deliciously nasty throwback to their savage 1990s pomp".

American songwriter

d. 27. May 2021



Lee Zimmerman

d. 27. May 2021

"The challenge for Del Amitri has been to reclaim their former glories, to create songs that match the rousing, resonant melodies of their earlier efforts. That's no simple task ... Happily, they rise to the challenge, and while there's no single song as immediately catchy as "Roll to Me," several do stand out. The opening track, the appropriately dubbed "You Can't Go Back," is the most impressive of all, an assertive launching pad that paves the way for the driving, determined offerings that follow".


2021 July



Jim Farber

2021 July

"It takes genuine guts for a band to open their first LP in nearly 20 years with a song called "You Can't Go Back". Then again, self-awareness and candour are partly what made Del Amitri so rare. Another is their flair for amplifying broad melodies with charging rock chords, fully restored here. While frontman/lyricist Justin Currie has been releasing smart, moving solo alvums in the interim, they lack the group's punch. Reunited with guitarist Iain Harvie, the music swings again, even if Currie's damning viewpoint hasn't lightened".