Music / rock


Reviews (2)

d. 20. May 2017



Thomas H. Green

d. 20. May 2017

"Imaginative, punk-tinted, strange-pop from Sweden - Finally, a new band that lives up to a fine name and great cover art. Then again, Shitkid do a whole lot more than that. Their music sounds like the antithesis of contemporary chart-pop, which is refreshing, but even better, also doesn't do the usual things artists do when they want to prove, absolutely, that they're anti all that stuff. Shitkid is 24-year-old Åsa Söderqvist from Gothenberg, Sweden, and most of this album sounds like it was recorded down the bottom of a well, but in the best possible way ... Fish is a brilliantly uncanny album, a feast of difference, and certainly one of the most intriguing, exciting albums to appear this year".


d. 25. June 2017



Lucia Odoom

d. 25. June 2017

"Den 23-årige svenske sangerinde Åsa Søderqvist (...) er den feministiske knytnæve bag punkbandet Shitkid. Hun synger om motorcykelbander, rastløshed og vrede pakket ind i 50' ernostalgisk surfpop, der smelter svensk velfærdsstatsrock sammen med de californiske kyster ... At lytte til Shitkids underlige surrealistiske alternative pop er lidt ligesom at træde direkte ind i en farverig Robert Crumb-tegneserie for utilpassede eksistenser. Man bladrer igennem sangene, som er små råbende talebobler, der giver undertegnede lyst til at headbange og lære at køre på kværn. Hvis man kan lide The Ramones, Best Coast og Bikini Kill, så er Shitkid en kærkommen musikalsk sjæleven, og hendes ep et dejligt musikalsk spark over skinnebenet".