Music / electronica

Flamagra (instrumentals)

Reviews (2)


d. 27. May 2020



Nick Roseblade

d. 27. May 2020

"The main questions that is raised after listening to 'Flamagra (Instrumental)' is does this new version fix the problems of the original album? The album isn't as muddled as the original. Without the distraction of the vocals, the backing tracks now can shine. They are lithe affairs, backed by gargantuan beats and basslines. The album also feels more cohesive ... 'Flamagra (Instrumental)' is a far more enjoyable listen than the original and lends itself to repeat listens in a way the original did not. Hopefully Flying Lotus will keep it instrumental on his next release".


d. 4. June 2020



Madison Bloom

d. 4. June 2020

"The instrumental edition of last year's cosmic jazz-funk odyssey brings Flying Lotus' detailed compositions and soundscaping to center stage".