Music / jazz

Forward thinker

Reviews (3)

UK vibe

d. 22. May 2022



Imran Mirza

d. 22. May 2022

"Highlights throughout include the neo-soul stylings of the introductory number, 'High Time' (...); the Head Hunters-like jazz-funk of 'To The Light' bursts with impassioned energy and is a real winner as is the album's title track (...) - again, a track rooted in a scintillating jazz-funk aesthetic but also bolstered by lush synths and twinges of electronics. There are compositions that strike a more introspective note like 'From The Shadows' which at times seems to present some inspired energy throughout but ultimately succumbs to its own turmoil by the latter portion of the song".

God Is In The TV

d. 28. June 2022



Loz Etheridge

d. 28. June 2022

"It's not an easy listen, in places. At the same time, at other junctures, it's a very easy listen. And yes I know that's a massive contradiction, but what I mean is, you're not going to put Forward Thinker on for a bit of a singalong anytime soon, but as an accompaniment to whatever you're doing around the house, it's tremendously relaxing ... leasant? Oh, yes. Musically adept? Oh, God, yes. It's a likeable record but as exciting as semolina for tea. But that's not a diss either. I like semolina".


2022 September



Nick Hasted

2022 September

"This is a band capable of diversely off-kilter composition and, sometimes, something more sublime".