Music / rock

Gastir : Ghosts Invited

Reviews (2)

Angry metal guy

d. 29. May 2019



Grymm On

d. 29. May 2019

"Gaahl stands as one of black metal's most gifted vocalists and lyricists, as well as an intelligent, highly-respected individual, and I've enjoyed prior contributions of his throughout his storied career. This makes GastiR all the more disappointing, as I'm not blown away by most of the songwriting on here, and the songs that did impress me did so because of the strength of the songwriting present, not due to any thinking outside of the box. Perhaps this is just Gaahl testing the waters with a new band, but I'm left wanting something more substantial than what GastiR has to offer".


d. 2. June 2019



Adriana Zak Echeverría

d. 2. June 2019

"Enten vil man elske eller hade Gaahls Wyrds længe ventede debutalbum, der er mere varieret i sit udtryk end hele frontmandens musikalske karriere. Et virvar af genrer - der hovedsageligt holder sig inden for black, doom og folk - udspiller sig på de knap tre kvarter, 'GastiR - Ghosts Invited' varer, og hvis man er åben af sind, vil musikken kunne tage give mange gode oplevelser, hvor man opdager nye detaljer hver gang ... Med andre ord er Gaahls Wyrd det alt det, nordisk metal skal være anno 2019 og i fremtiden. Det rendyrkede sortmetal hører fortiden til, ligeså gør firkantede genrenormer".