Music / rock

Grimmest hits


Summary: Whether it's a crushingly heavy blues-rock barnstormer or a piano-driven ode to a fallen brother, each Black Label Society album is another opportunity to top the one before it. Their new album keeps this tradition alive.

Reviews (3)

Distorted Sound

d. 19. Jan. 2018



Jon White

d. 19. Jan. 2018

"BLACK LABEL SOCIETY overpowers the airwaves with pure rocking charm that holds candles to the classic sounds of the genre that is by no means boring or generic. There's a certain sound that everybody expect to hear from this band and Grimmest Hits does not disappoint ... What BLACK LABEL SOCIETY has cleverly mapped out on this record is their clear cut influences whilst still keeping it true to their own artistic style throughout".

Cryptic rock

d. 15. Jan. 2018



Sherri Crawford

d. 15. Jan. 2018

"Grimmest Hits showcases Black Label Society's ability to deliver fresh and tempting material without deserting its proven recipe for success. After nearly four years, the band's latest course is sure to satisfy storied-fans' appetites and entice newcomers alike".




Joe DiVita


"There's a lot of Sabbath worship present on Grimmest Hits, but that's not a knock on the band. Since the release of the first six Black Sabbath albums, but given that Father Iommi seems to have retired, who better than the guy who leads Zakk Sabbath, the guy who plays those riffs in Ozzy Osbourne's band, to keep that flame ignited? If you're after riffs you can milk for days, then Grimmest Hits is a Wisconsin purebred prize dairy cow".