Music / rock

Half moon light

Reviews (2)

Glide Magazine

d. 4. Feb. 2020



Jim Hynes

d. 4. Feb. 2020

"The choruses and harmonies in some of these songs on Half Moon Light from Americana trio The Lone Bellow will slay you ... These three-part harmonies and killer songwriting mix light and dark to muster a complex ode to memory, a call for hope, and an exercise in empathy, yet the overriding result is joyous ... There's so much to delve into here, be it the harmonies, the stories, the sentiments and the gorgeous layers of sound and production values. This is a "must hear"".

No depression

d. 6. Feb. 2020



Chuck Armstrong

d. 6. Feb. 2020

"The Lone Bellow Craft a Bright Masterpiece on 'Half Moon Light' ... Half Moon Light instantly stands out as the band's most adventurous, fearless record of their career. Leaving behind the tried-and-true elements of past albums, the trio sheds any folk monikers left over from 2017's Walk Into a Storm and offers fans an album that could fill a football stadium as much as it could set the mood in a quaint local coffee shop".