Music / rock

Heavy metal music

Reviews (2)

Consequence of sound

d. 6. Aug. 2013



Tony Hardy

d. 6. Aug. 2013

"Jason Newsted deserves some credit for not overthinking his approach. Heavy Metal Music is a blunt statement of intent: horns-up thrash that's mean and dirty, like it used to be. Newsted's triumphant return has been one of the most surprising heavy metal success stories of 2013".

d. 6. Aug. 2013



Chad Bowar

d. 6. Aug. 2013

"The music on the album lives up to the title. It's straightforward, old-fashioned heavy metal. Sonically, Newsted do not follow the template of their frontman's previous bands like Flotsam and Jetsam, Metallica or Voivod. You will hear a few influences of those bands, but overall 'Newsted' is more in the vein of Motorhead or Prong ... Not every song on the album is a home run, but there are no swings and misses, either. It's also a bit long at 57 minutes and loses a little momentum as the album winds down".