Music / blues

History rhymes

Reviews (2)

Elmore magazine

d. 15. May 2019



Iain Patience

d. 15. May 2019

" ... some old near-classic tracks played with a distinctive style and near-ragtime, period flourish and feeling. Steve Howell is a true US master-picker whose recent recordings have shimmered with class and quality ... And though the pair explore and supply touches of jazz, down South Delta, Piedmont, Louisiana swamp and funk to the mix, in most ways this album can be seen as a straight-forward, down to earth blues outing, driven by two mighty fine musicians who know their way around a musical route map and then some.. This is a truly delightful outing, an album that is likely to appeal to fans of quality, laid-back acoustic blues at its very best".

Living blues

2019 June



Lee Zimmerman

2019 June

"Howell, Weinheimer, Sumner, and Dodson make for a formidable quartet, not necessarily in an over-arched way, but rather through their ability to meld their skills while making a supple sound in the process. Comprised mainly of old standards of a vintage variety, History Rhymes finds the foursome hewing to a traditional template while still providing beguiling sort of sentiment in the process. The music that results is a mesh of blues, jazz, folk, and finesse, with each song given an easy, breezy delivery that's both calming and confident in equal measure".