Music / rock

Holy fvck

Reviews (4)


d. 19. Aug. 2022



Olivia Horn

d. 19. Aug. 2022

"Demi Lovato has long sung about rebirth. On Holy Fvck, she enacts it by jettisoning the pop-R&B palette that has defined her records for a decade ... Holy Fvck fulfills its promise of sweaty, angsty excess with a tour through pop-punk and adjacent genres. Opener "Freak" sets the tone with sludgy metal guitars and fits of guttural screaming, plus an appearance by Yungblud - like Lovato, a Disney Channel alum with an alternative streak - whose gritty voice roughs up the track like sandpaper".

Gaffa [online]

d. 7. Oct. 2022



Johanne Nedergaard

d. 7. Oct. 2022

"Pletskuddene findes et sted derinde på Lovatos plade, men de kan være svære at få øje på, fordi Lovato har skabt et alt for langt album, der i sygelig grad mangler musikalsk variation ... Sjovt nok klæder det ellers Lovatos vokal betragteligt at komme ind i nogle mere rockede rammer, i hvert fald pletvist ... der er desværre utroligt mange ligegyldige skæringer på Holy Fvck".





Neil Z. Yeung


"Holy Fvck is an absolute blast. True to the title, the most natural response to this stylistic pivot from erstwhile pop star Demi Lovato is one of shock and pleasant surprise ... Whether it's a genuine transformation or just a brief exercise for the pop chameleon, the triumphant Holy Fvck is a refreshing change of pace and an utter thrill to experience for those willing to look past the headlines into the heart of an artist who continues to grow in the public eye".


d. 19. Aug. 2022



Emily Swingle

d. 19. Aug. 2022

"Demi Lovato is stripping back the radio-friendly mask with a snarl. Shedding the butter-wouldn't-melt poppy sonics, 'Holy Fvck' is a sharp shift back to Lovato's heavy roots. Riling with a dark punk-rock attitude, this is an album that thrives in its heaviness, searing with venom and gloriously bold. Truly proving Lovato as a mult-faceted force to be reckoned with, 'Holy Fvck' is a howl of brilliance".