Music / rock

I'm a freak baby 3 : a further journey through the British heavy psych and hard rock underground scene 1968-1973

Reviews (2)





Timothy Monger


"Judging from the lyrics and overall exploratory nature, at least 50-percent of this collection is about drugs and almost every song is cranked up to 11. Warts and all (so many warts), there is something loveable about this period of rock music. These are the awkward and sometimes glorious growing pains that birthed metal, punk, and countless future subgenres. Leaf Hound, Zior, Bone, May Blitz, Stackwaddy... we see you and we salute you".

Louder than war

d. 23. June 2021



Ian Canty

d. 23. June 2021

"Though this boxset does run the risk of overlapping with a few other Grapefruit boxsets, I'm A Freak Baby 3 has more than enough quality and personality of its own to make it worthy of close attention. The period from 1968 to 1973 is often written off as downtime in UK music, but as we can see from this set that beneath the MOR mainstream pop there was these incredible crackles of anger and energy. Full of the kind of endlessly satisfying but rudimentary cheap thrills the middle class rebels just could never understand let alone dig, I'm A Freak Baby 3 cuts straight to the heart of the grimy glory of early 1970s British rock & roll".