Music / r&b

Icarus falls

Reviews (3)


d. 18. Dec. 2018



Maura Johnston

d. 18. Dec. 2018

"Zayn-fka Zayn Malik, fka one-fifth of the British boy-band supernova One Direction-named his second album after the myth of Icarus, the seraphic optimist who flew too close to the sun and snuffed himself out as a result. It's in keeping with Zayn's status as a reluctant pop star ... Zayn's reputation as a skillful interpreter of pop is tested on his second solo album, a tome of love songs with a concept that hinges on excess and its trickery".

Gaffa [online]

d. 4. Jan. 2019



Sara Elisabeth Nedergaard

d. 4. Jan. 2019

"Førstesinglen 'Let Me' er et fremragende pophit, der viser Zayn fra hans bedste side, som er de lettere pompøse kærlighedssange med stærk vokal og et melankolsk islæt. Andensinglen 'Entertainer' kører i samme rille, dog med en lige doven nok vokal, med stadig med et interessant take på den allestedsnærværende trap hi-hat og med brug af akustisk instrumentering. Tredjesinglen 'Sour Diesel' har en mere funket lyd og lugter lidt af firserklub a la INXS - slet ikke dårligt! Men igen-igen er tekstuniverset ikke noget at prale af, med alt for mange gentagelser og for lidt indhold ... Icarus Falls er noget af en basse at komme igennem: En time og 28 minutter fordelt på 27 skæringer! Halvdelen kunne være skåret fra, og konceptet i dette konceptalbum går helt hen over hovedet på mig".


d. 17. Dec. 2018



Dhruva Balram

d. 17. Dec. 2018

"There are gentle reminders as to Zayn's force, as his voice twirls around in tandem with the production, one never out-doing the other, always in synchronised harmony. He's the most successful former One Direction member with good reason, and this album is a high-water mark for the 25-year-old. A 27-track mosaic to be poured over time and again, "Icarus Falls' is the pop star cementing himself in the echelon of stardom".