Music / rock

If you wait

Reviews (3)

The guardian

d. 5. Sep. 2013



Caroline Sullivan

d. 5. Sep. 2013

"[The] pairing of the ethereal and the visceral makes for an interesting enough album, albeit one that sometimes begs for a kick in the backside - the piano ballads Nightcall and Interlude strive for dramatic quiescence, but achieve that Adele B-side feeling. But the clattering Wasting My Young Years wisely recognises that "it takes some time to get it right" - and time is on their side".

Gaffa [online]

d. 11. Nov. 2013



Pelle Sonne Lohmann

d. 11. Nov. 2013

"Det er en overordentlig flot debut, der profiterer enormt af sangerinden Hannah Reids uforligneligt smukke stemme, som på samme tid fremstår dragende, foruroligende og ikke mindst klokkeklar som få. At vokalen oven i købet ofte understøttes suverænt af nydeligt rindende guitarlinjer, som virkelig komplimenterer stemmen i midten, gør naturligvis ikke herlighederne mindre interessante".


d. 17. Sep. 2013



Renato Pagnani

d. 17. Sep. 2013

"Due to this emphasis on compositional restraint, If You Wait occasionally feels a little too homogeneous, a little too tidy. It's so uniform tonally that it sometimes approaches somnambulance, its negative space becoming a liability rather than a cleverly-used tool. Then again, London Grammar seem bright enough to know there's always room for improvement: "I've heard it takes some time to get it right" Reid opines on "Wasting My Young Years", but this trio already functions like a well-oiled machine, and they've produced a stylish debut that demonstrates both their immense talent and impressive instincts".