Music / operafilm

Il barbiere di Siviglia

Reviews (29)

MusicWeb international

2002 May



John Leeman

2002 May

"First of all, it delights the eye ... The rest of the cast is very strong ... The orchestral playing is very fine and the veteran Italian Nello Santi, Zürich director throughout the 1960s, presides over the musical proceedings like some portly Godfather figure an absolutely sure hand at the helm".

MusicWeb international

2019 November



Robert J. Farr

2019 November

"As the sun sets on the Veneto and the shadows increase from the edges of the largest opera theatre in the world, the Verona Arena, seating nearly fifteen thousand people, Daniel Oren climbs onto the conductor's podium wearing his trademark yarmulke, and a unique performance of Rossini's buffo masterpiece gets underway ... In the case of this filmed performance ... the director has the benefit of consummate actors, often of more mature years than is normally the case, who know the work intimately and are able to realise his dream. The first among equals is Leo Nucci as the irrepressible Figaro. In his seventy sixth year, no less, he can still sing the role with vocal strength and even reprise his opening Largo al factotum ... The other septuagenarian is Basilio, the singing teacher, a role taken by veteran Ferruccio Furlanetto. Always impressive of stature and unforgettable to many ... Daniel Oren, a regular on the Verona podium, conducts the work with obvious affection and also facilitates the soloists in realising their individual vocal perceptions and strengths ... The fifteen thousand spectators at this performance could only go home happy with their experience, which the listener and watcher of this film shares".

MusicWeb international

2017 August



Robert J. Farr

2017 August

"This bicentennial production by Elisabeth Arden ... follows the prevailing fashion for updating the action without revealing any particular new insights ... The set is indeterminate as to period, often semi-abstract and leaving little impression ... Björn Bürge's Figaro ... gives, with his light and flexible baritone, a well-acted and well-sung interpretation ... Danielle de Niese ... certainly has stage appeal, as is evident whenever she is on stage - despite her vocal limitations".

Classical net




Gerald Fenech


"This sparkling all Spanish production of Rossini's perennial stage work gave me as much pleasure as much pleasure as any opera DVD I have watched in recent months. Without doubt, every detail was meticulously prepared and the end result is a wonderful evening's entertainment of the first degree. The singers are superb, but surely the star of the show is Juan Diego Flórez".


d. 28. Aug. 2007



Thomas Michelsen

d. 28. Aug. 2007

"Hold fast, hvor er det kedeligt at se på et hold af sangere, der bare aldrig bringes til at leve som andet eller mere end netop dukker. Der synges fint nok ... Men alt, hvad der hedder vittige indfald, falder fladt til jorden. Man ender, indrømmer jeg blankt, med at zappe sig gennem sidste akt".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 11. Oct. 2017



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 11. Oct. 2017

"Annabel Ardens iscenesættelse er superæstetisk med smukt afstemte, papirklipslignende dekorationer og en letflydende, hverken "opdateret" eller gammeldags scenografi ... London-filharmonikerne spiller med liv og lyst ... Sangerne er generelt førsteklasses med den tyske baryton Björn Bürger som en ung, sprælsk og velsyngende Figaro og den amerikanske tenor Taylor Stayton som en tilforladelig, lyrisk præget grev Almaviva ... Men det mest attraktive ved denne indspilning er sopranen Danielle de Niese ... Også i denne sødmefyldte rolle skøn at skue og lægge ører til".


d. 4. Apr. 2006



Jan Jacoby

d. 4. Apr. 2006


d. 8. Sep. 2005


d. 8. Sep. 2005

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 4. May 2005


d. 4. May 2005


d. 5. Jan. 2011



John Christiansen

d. 5. Jan. 2011


d. 5. Jan. 2011



John Christiansen

d. 5. Jan. 2011

"Rossinis barber ... med den fornemme tenorgreve Juan Diego Flórez og den dejlige Joyce DiDonato? Det specielle er, at hun netop havde forstuvet foden og måtte sidde forestillingen igennem. Det gør nu ingenting".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 30. Nov. 2005



Bernhard Lewkovitch

d. 30. Nov. 2005

"Er der noget man kan på disse kanter, er det netop den lidenskabsfulde og flammende syngemåde, der er så karakteristisk for Rossini, og som udløses vildt og heftigt næsten med vejtrækningsbesvær til følge, altså på sangernes vegne. Juan Diego Flores er nok mere tenor end noget som helst andet her i verden, men kan man bruge ham i Madrid-operaen, kan man vel også herhjemme på dvd-afspilleren, også selvom "Barberen i Sevilla" fordrer lidt mere end en tenor".


d. 3. Apr. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 3. Apr. 2006

"Her er Barberen i Sevilla med vor tids store Rossini-tenor Juan Diego Flórez, som herhjemme har sunget med Radiosymfoniorkestret i København og Århus. Scenisk er han ikke noget specielt, og alligevel spiller han så naturligt på en scene, at hans fremtoning korresponderer med hans stilistisk elegante sang. En ekstra fornøjelse er, at den charmerende Maria Bayo lever op til ham som Rosina ... Alt i alt er det en let og charmerende opførelse med to fremragende sangere".


2019, nr. 55



Steen Chr. Steensen

2019, nr. 55

"Leo Nucci ... er stjernen og alderspræsidenten i denne forestilling. Resten af sangerholder brillerer i øvrigt ... Orkestret i Verona er i de bedste hænder hos den israelske dirigent Daniel Oren, der leverer sikkert, muntert akkompagnement til løjerne på scenen".


2020 janvier



Benoît Fauchet

2020 janvier

Operabladet Ascolta

(2010) 29. årgang nr. 1



Henrik Marcussen

(2010) 29. årgang nr. 1

BBC music magazine

2017 September



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2017 September

"High-flying American tenor Taylor Stayton proves vocally agile and dramatically vital as Count Almaviva, with Danielle de Niese an entrancing Rosina ... As for Alessandro Corbelli's Bartolo, his seriousness of comic approach and sheer expertise as a buffo performer place him in the very top league. Björn Bürger is quite rightly at the centre of the action as Figaro and his splendid baritone a major asset".


2006 mai



Michel Parouty

2006 mai

"La baguette de Bruno Campanella est alerte. La distrubution, elle, est plutôt inégale, le couple Joyce DiDonato/Dalibor Jenis s'imposant davantage par sa pétulance que par son raffinement".

Classics today

d. 9. Apr. 2010



Robert Levine (musikanmelder)

d. 9. Apr. 2010

"It's a great performance ... this one is the best ... The minimalist sets by Christian Fenouillat are fun ... this very likely is the strongest Barber cast I've ever seen. DiDonato, wheelchair or not, is a dream Rosina, vocally flawless and always in good taste".

BBC music magazine

2010 August



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2010 August

"Vurdering: BBC music dvd choice" - "A legendary production of Rossini's Barber of Seville ... Joyce DiDonato sings and acts Rosina from a wheelchair ... Juan Diego Flórez is the Almaviva of one's dreams, vocally and musically impeccable ... A performance of constant vivacity and precision ... A blend of ancient and modern visuals matches the music-making perfectly".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2010) 29. årgang nr. 1



Henrik Marcussen

(2010) 29. årgang nr. 1

"Her demonstreres sangkunst af fineste art og med Florez som den helt rigtige Almaviva-fremstiller, DiDonato med et forrygende overskud ... og samtlige øvrige i et intelligent og smukt samspil ... En meget underholdende og vital optagelse som Pappano dirigerer med elan".

The gramophone

2002 May


2002 May

"An ensemble performance full of wit and panache keenly conducted by Santi ... This set offers a novel but never outlandish view of an over­familiar work ... This is an enjoyable performance".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 38, nr. 7 (2005)


Årg. 38, nr. 7 (2005)

The gramophone

2019 September



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2019 September

"The great Italian baritone Leo Nucci is one of music's indestructibles. How else can one explain a 76-year-old holding spellbound the vast audience in the Verona Arena with a rendering of Figaro's entrance aria of rare skill and vocal relish? ... There is no hint of Nucci running out of steam as the evening unfolds ... The other veteran performer is the 70-year-old Ferruccio Furlanetto. He delivers the goods as a splendidly saturnine Don Basilio ... Korchak confirms his position as one of the best of today's Almavivas, while Nino Machaidze is a pleasingly aggregable (and, where necessary, pleasingly disagreeable) Rosina. Indeed, it's luxury casting throughout ... Oren, an old Verona hand, directs with pace and purpose, while allowing the score to dance and sing in a way that's rarely heard nowadays ... But Nucci's Figaro is something for the archives".

The gramophone

2019 December



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2019 December

"Editor's choice: Given that Pelly works with players of quality, while ensuring that the production's every detail is of a piece with itself, it's not surprising that this is a wonderfully well-acted Il barbiere ... The final salute, however, must go to Jérémie Rhorer and the period instrumentalists of his Le Cercle de l'Harmonie ... This, by any measure, is premier cru conducting ... My, what skills are on display in every department of this astonishing production!".

Fono Forum

2017 September



Manuel Brug

2017 September

"Der Rossini ist ein reuelos genossenes, buntes Sorbetto, das Annabel Arden fehlerlos, aber auch wenig deutungswillig abschnurren lässt. Danielle de Niese ist eine koloraturvergnügte Rosina, Alessandro Corbelli ihr komödienerprobter Vormund. Der in Frankfurt engagierte Bariton Björn Bürger macht als Figaro bella figura".

The gramophone

2017 August



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2017 August

"Vocally de Niese is a decent Rosina, for all that her acting doesn't wear well on the small screen ... Björn Bürger ... is probably a Don Giovanni to die for but he's no Figaro ... Despite conceding that the opera's style is classical in essence, Arden show scant regard for the comic realism that is key to Beaumarchais's method, and to Rossini's".

Fono Forum

2010 Juni



Manuel Brug

2010 Juni

"Die Inszenierung des routinierten Duos Leiser und Caurier sieht in ihrem Mix aus Bretterbuden-Commedia dell'Arte und durch die Kleiderepochen rotierenden Kostümen intellektueller aus, els sie ist ... Juan Diego Flórez variiert seinen längst klassischen Almaviva als singenden Sonnyboy".

Vurdering (Szene): 3/5.

Vurdering (Musik): 4/5.