
In chains of gold : complete consort anthems

Reviews (2)

BBC music magazine

2018 February



Hannah French

2018 February

"These performances glimmer with all the yearning, devoutness, and splendour of the age".

The gramophone

2017 November



Alexandra Coghlan

2017 November

"Skip straight to track 3 and Gibbons's first In nomine a 5, and listen to the blanched brilliance, the glistening cobweb delicacy of tone from Fretwork's viols ... The effect, in the three In nomines recorded here, is of uncanny beauty, familiar notes polished up to a new sheen and lustre. This innovation alone makes In Chains of Gold, an album of Orlando Gibbons's consort anthems (Vol 1 of a planned set) worth investigating. Whether you'll choose to return quite as often to the anthems themselves is another matter".