Music / rock

In the minds of evil

Reviews (2)

d. 26. Nov. 2013



Joe DiVita

d. 26. Nov. 2013

"If there's one thing that truly stands out on this Deicide record, it's the bombastic guitar solos. In place of the Hoffmans' unpredictable Slayer-esque soloing, we're treated to catchy melodies intertwined with some fretwork frenzy. The solos catch the ear and bring attention back to the song when the mind starts to wander elsewhere over the course of these 37 minutes".

Metal injection

d. 27. Nov. 2013



Jeremy Ulrey

d. 27. Nov. 2013

"The album falters a bit in the mid-stretches, however, with "Misery of One" and "Between the Flesh and the Void" being pretty much by-the-numbers latter-day Deicide, little aside from solid production and better guitar solos to separate them from anything post-Redemption. Just when you think all inspiration is spent, though, "Trample the Cross" rights the ship again and the band finish out the set in fairly strong fashion".