Music / rock

Incoming death

Reviews (3)

Distorted Sound

d. 24. Sep. 2016



Perran Helyes

d. 24. Sep. 2016

"Incoming Death does not pip Deathhammer to the post, but when it's still this much fun there's no need to be glum because it doesn't match its monstrous predecessor. Nothing exceptional is done here, but it's exactly the kind of material fans want from an ASPHYX record. After all no one is better at being ASPHYX than ASPHYX, and ASPHYX happen to be killer".

Angry metal guy

d. 27. Sep. 2016



Diabolus in Muzaka

d. 27. Sep. 2016

"My expectations for this record were rather high given the quality of its two predecessors, and if any other band's name was on Incoming Death I'd score it one notch higher without hesitation. I believe that it would be a disservice to the greatness and legacy of Asphyx to not hold them to a higher standard than normal, so take the score as a gesture of respect and admiration for one of the genre's best bands, not a worrying drop in quality from Deathhammer".


d. 29. Sep. 2016



Jon Albjerg Ravnholt

d. 29. Sep. 2016

"Det er ikke en plade, man ligefrem føler sig klogere af at høre, den udfordrer ikke på nogen som helst måde ens musikalske register - måske højst ved netop at være så beskeden i sine prætentioner.Det er måske i virkeligheden den eneste overraskelse på `Incoming Death': at det nogle gange faktisk kan være nok bare at være solid".