Music / renæssance -> 1600


Reviews (8)

MusicWeb international

2016 October



Gary Higginson

2016 October

"This disc contains three seemingly unrelated works. Even so, this has for me been one of the most enjoyable Lassus discs I have come across ... Despite a few caveats this is a fine disc and worth searching out with high quality music throughout".

MusicWeb international

2013 April



Mark Sealey

2013 April

"Singphoniker's singing has precision and delicate, sinuous articulation at the same time. It has gentle expressiveness, undemonstrative projection of the faith and a rounded, open style of delivery that reacts to the texts, rather than interprets them ... Enunciation is excellent, melodic line trenchant, textures are striking ... Singphoniker brings grace and stature to their performances ... The stylish and individually colourful performances here make this a broadly welcome addition to the all too small corpus of well-recorded Lassus".

BBC music magazine

2011 April



Berta Joncus

2011 April

"Little of Lassus's output is recorded, misrepresenting his importance ... His Majesty's Sagbutts & Cornetts shine in this performance ... despite its English choral gloss, this disc gives us a provocative glimpse into Lassus's imagination".

Fono Forum

2020 Oktober



Marcus Stäbler

2020 Oktober

"Die hier eingespielten Motetten von Orlando di Lasso sind eher gedeckt und dunkel als grellfarbig, und die sechzehnköpfige Cappella Amsterdam singt transparent und warm, aber nicht unbedingt dramatisch. Manchmal wünschte man sich etwas stärkere Kontraste. Dafür klingt die Aufnahme immer kultiviert und besticht mit einer liebevollen Sorgfalt für den Text ... Ein "Inferno" ist das sicher nicht, aber grossartige Musik".

BBC music magazine

2020 September



Kate Bolton-Porciatti

2020 September

"Reuss coaxes sable timbres from his 16-voice ensemble, wrapping the listener in a dark shroud - apt for these musical reflections on the transience of things. The singers' vocal production is tightly focused: intonation and articulation are clean, and the ensemble's sound is balance and homogenous, with sonorous lower voices enhancing the mournful quality of the music ... Reuss keeps a tight rein on expressive devices and dynamics, resulting in performances that are deeply reflective and somewhat circumspect".

Fono Forum

2013 März



Richard Lorber

2013 März

"Die Klanggrösse entsteht bei den Singphonikern vor allem durch eine Ausgeglichenheit und Prägnanz in allen Stimmlagen ... Orlando di Lassos Hymnenvertonungen von 1580/1581 bieten für diese Art des Ensemblesingens das optimale Material".

The gramophone

2016 October



Fabrice Fitch

2016 October

"Unlike Palestrina, Lassus didn't devote an entire publication to the Song of Songs ... But, all told, there's enough music to fill several CDs. This recital contains no fewer than eight motets for various scorings ... The Namur Chamber Choir match the variety of Lassus's scorings by teaming up with the instrumental ensemble Clematis ... This results in an intimate sound with plenty of bloom when called for ... At its best this is a rewarding addition to the discography".

The gramophone

2020 August



Fabrice Fitch

2020 August

"Cappella Amsterdam deliver what Philippe Herreweghe's ensemble somehow failed to a decade ago. Ensemble cohesion is greater (surprisingly, given Herreweghe's usual fastidiousness) but details are more persuasively shaped ... Rather than draw attention to himself, Daniel Reuss directs with a certain reserve; that these performances do not sound conducted is meant as a compliment".