
Ino & late works

Reviews (6)

Kulturradio RBB

d. 23. July 2015



Bernhard Schrammek

d. 23. July 2015

"Das Orchester agiert sehr präzise und verdeutlicht eindrucksvoll die großen Kontraste der Partitur ... Die Sopranstimme von Ana Maria Labin verfügt über die Dramatik, die für die Interpretation dieser Rolle notwendig ist. Gleichzeitig verliert die Sängerin nie die Kontrolle über ihre Stimme und bewältigt auch anspruchsvolle virtuose Passagen mit Bravour".

MusicWeb international

2024 April



Zane Turner

2024 April

"The cantata Ino is not over-recorded, and on this occasion is coupled with three other orchestral works, all written during the last few years of Telemann's life ... Landshamer's voice is powerful in all registers, and the timbre most agreeable ... The Akademie für Alte Music Berlin has developed a reputation as one of the finest period-instrument ensembles currently performing. In this recording the balance between voice and orchestra is such that the former is never compromised by the latter ... Overall, an enjoyable recording. Not only is the music very well played, but the sonic quality of the recording is also excellent. For those unfamiliar with Ino, this will be a delightful discovery".

Fono Forum

2015 Oktober



Matthias Hengelbrock

2015 Oktober

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Bei Michael Schneider und seiner Stagione Frankfurt is Telemanns Musik immer in besten Händen ... Ana Maria Labin fügt sich mit ihrem glühenden Souveränität perfekt in dieses Konzept ein".

Fono Forum

2024 Juni



Matthias Hengelbrock

2024 Juni

BBC music magazine

2024 May



Kate Bolton-Porciatti

2024 May

"This disc offers a taste of the 'Spätlese' (the 'late harvest' ) of Telemann's career: works that show the octogenarian never lost his youthful spirit and joie de vivre ... Landshamer delivers Ramler's text with real conviction, and she draws on a vivid palette of colours and expressive devices in response to the music's rhetoric and lyricism ... The Berlin players point up the textural contrasts between silky strings, reedy oboes and the raw and resonant sound of natural horns. The concluding Sinfonia melodica ... gives way to a series of graceful dances, despatched with gallantry and flair by this crack ensemble".

The gramophone

2024 June



Fabrice Fitch

2024 June

"These pieces are Telemann's last known compositions. They show him to have been extraordinarily inventive into his 80s, knowledgeable about new musical styles right to the end ... Christina Landshamer is a sympathetic protagonist in Ino ... The Akademie für Alte Musik give fine accounts of the instrumental works ... Don't hesitate to try this new recording, then, but if you've not heard this gorgeous music before, Goebel's account [with Barbare Schlick as soloist in the cantatas] has lost none of its zest and may still be the first port of call".