Music / rock

Insecure Men

Reviews (2)


d. 21. Feb. 2018



Ben Homewood

d. 21. Feb. 2018

"Fat White Family guitarist Saul Adamczewski recovers from a rough few years with a pop-flavoured shot at redemption ... an engrossing, bleak and often warming set of exotica, vintage pop and childlike pizzazz - emerges as a document of recovery. Recorded with Sean Lennon in upstate New York, the songs certainly stand up".

The guardian

d. 22. Feb. 2018



Alexis Petridis

d. 22. Feb. 2018

"Slacker supergroup find redemption in pop ... Asked to leave Fat White Family due to addiction issues, Saul Ademczewski cleaned up, convened with Childhood's Ben Romans-Hopcraft, and made an album of hope and horror".