Film / nonfiction / balletfilm

John Neumeier at work


Den amerikanske koreograf John Neumeier (f. 1939) følges gennem 1/2 år i sit arbejde med Hamburg Balletten.

Reviews (1)

Presto classical




"American dancer and choreographer John Neumeier is renowned for his work with the Hamburg Ballet. He was filmed with the company over a busy six-month period, which encompassed rehearsals for Artus Sage, the creation of The Magnificat, and performances in Hamburg, Paris and Avignon of works including his acclaimed St Matthew Passion. The documentary gives a fascinating insight into the process of Neumeier's choreographic invention and demonstrates the exacting demands he makes on his dancers. In lively conversation Neumeier talks about his background and methods, revealing what drives his hectic professional life and fires his creative genius".