Film / nonfiction / rockfilm

John & Yoko - above us only sky


Dokumentarfilm om indspilningen af John Lennons album "Imagine" (1971), og hvordan han og Yoko Ono arbejdede sammen om dets tilblivelse.

Reviews (1)


d. 13. Sep. 2019



Neil Spencer

d. 13. Sep. 2019

"The album would be made at home in Tittenhurst Park, his and Yoko's Ascot pile, using its recently completed home studio. And it would be filmed, all of it, both the recording sessions and John'n'Yoko's life together. Among the resultant footage was the shoot for "Imagine", one of the world's first and still most famous pop videos, showing John at his white piano in Tittenhurst's "big white room" while Yoko drifts round opening the shutters of its huge windows, ushering in the light of world peace. The rest of what cameraman Douglas Ibold describes as "thousands of hours" of footage has emerged in stages, beginning with 1988's Imagine documentary, but there's been nothing like the treasure trove revealed in Michael Epstein's Above Us Only Sky".